Transfer Tokens
Now that the wallet is installed and configured, you can move tokens into it. The images in this process show a wallet account with the name Training and address 0x6dA45cB0C3be7eD9Fddaf12246Fe190c36941e70
. Recall that the address is the public key. The token source will need to use that address to send tokens.
The wallet was configured to send and receive Lineas Sepolia tokens in the last section. The source of the tokens is a "faucet" provided by Chainlink. Blockchain faucets are websites or apps that allot small amounts of cryptocurrency. The term "drip" is used for the fractional amounts of currency that a faucet will dispense. In this exercise you'll use a Chainlink Lineas Sepolia faucets to send 0.1 ETH token to an account in your wallet.
Use Chainlink Faucet to Get Test Tokens
Navigate to Chainlink faucets. Search for linea sepolia
Click on the link in the upper right corner to connect your wallet. You will see your wallet address there.
You should have a choice of two faucets. Select the faucet that drips 0.1 ETH. Click continue to begin the transfer.
Once the transfer is complete you'll see a notice of success. You'll also get a transaction hash. When the transfer is complete, you'll get a transaction hash. You can copy it into your clipboard and use it to look up the transaction online.
Look at the wallet, and you will see that it contains 0.1LineaETH
Lookup Transactions
There are serveral online dashboards that will allow you lookup transaction details.
View Transaction Details from Wallet
If you click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the wallet, you can select and account and then click on "View on explorer". This takes you to
Once on the Sepolia Linea scan, search for the address (public key) of the account.
Lookup Transaction Details on Sepolia Etherscan
You can go directly to to lookup Sepolia transactions.
Enter your address to find transactions.